Only have tasks in ansible/main.yml
Hi Federico,
I'm currently looking into getting the f-interop CI tests, and I found that they are currently failing on the inclusion of the coap_testing_tool deployment.
Instead of executing the ansible-playbook executable directly, I think a better solution is to start the playbook with a simple "include"-statement. This has several advantages, like the easy definition of variables.
This means that we can then use the following statement in roles/coap/tasks/coap.yml
in the f-interop repo:
- name: Run the provisionning
include: "{{ finterop_proj_path }}/coap_testing_tool/ansible/main.yml"
- testing_tool_dir: "{{ finterop_proj_path }}/coap_testing_tool"
Instead of:
- name: Run the provisionning
tags: coap
become: True
command: 'ansible-playbook {{ finterop_proj_path }}/coap_testing_tool/ansible/main.yml -i "localhost," --connection=local'
Can you accept this merge request, so that I can further debug the CI script?